Pre Birth – 3

Our 0-3 staff follow the Scottish Government Pre Birth – Three Curriculum: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families. It also recognises and values the importance of parents as they understand their child better than anyone else.

The new guidance highlight the four Key Principles: Rights of the Child, Relationships, Responsive Care and Respect, to ensure children have the best start.

Curriculum for Excellence

Our 3-5 staff provide learning experiences linking to The Curriculum for Excellence. These are the national guidelines devised by the Scottish Government. We are in partnership with Inverclyde Council meaning you can combine day care and pre-school education. At the end of their time in the dragonfly room you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress during a meeting with their key worker. The staff will have gathered evidence onto a transition form which is sent onto primary school.

All work on your child is available for you to see at any time. Staff will be happy to discuss any concerns with you.

Home Link

Home-Link-PictureAs part of children’s learning our ain throughout the year is to work in partnership with parents/guardians providing home link topics. This will relate to children’s learning experiences which are taking place in the nursery.

Home Link nursery space project. These space station that the children made were then put on display at the museum for 2 weeks for children and families to go and look at.