Parent Information
We encourage active participation in your child’s learning. It is important to develop a partnership model where we work together to enable your child to maximise their potential.
Information will be given to you on a daily basis, and through email newsletter. Staff are always available to speak with you.
Opening Hours
Madeira Nursery is open Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5.30pm 52 weeks of the year. The nursery closes for 2 days at Christmas and 2 days at New Year.
Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are provided. A sample menu is available. Should you have any alternative requirements for your child, please do not hesitate to discuss these with a member of staff. To celebrate birthdays, some parents like to bring along a cake. Please let us know if you agree to this.
If your child is feeling unwell it is our belief that ill children are better cared for at home. It is also important for the protection of other children that a child with a contagious infection does not attend the nursery. We would also ask you keep your child at home if showing any of the following symptoms: temperature, coughing, runny nose, sticky eyes (or any eye infection), rashes or diarrhoea/vomiting.
If your child takes unwell at nursery, we will contact you. Should and emergency occur our staff are First Aid trained
Settling In Period
Our settling in policy for children children starting Madeira Nursery is:
- Children and parents are invited to attend the nursery prior to the enrolment date so that the child can familiarise him/herself with the nursery and staff. This arrangement may continue until the child feels at home within the nursery;
- Work in partnership with parents to settle the child into the nursery environment
Our aim is to make sure all children feel welcome and secure during their time at Madeira Nursery.
- Picture of child settling in to follow
Care Inspectorate Report
Please find a link to our most recent Care Inspectorate report
Enquire Today:
01475 722 892